Biography Susanne Herbold

Susanne Herbold (born 1970) lives and works in Cologne. Herbold’s passion for painting was already kindled in her childhood, but initially took a back seat to her professional career. She completed a Bachelor of Tourism (CCI) with honors and immersed herself in the fields of travel, tourism and later the automotive industry. At the same time, she ensured that her art gained visibility, so that her work reached an ever larger audience, which led to increasing demand. Today, Herbold lives her vocation as a full-time artist.

Susanne Herbold developed an artistic practice rooted in abstraction inspired by various states of human spirit and thought and enriched it with elements of abstract and post expressionism. Mixed in technique, her visual language is different and tells a contemporary tale of contemplation and light of the human spirit. Glimpses of nature and familiar forms emerge here and there, while the majority of her output remains visceral and associative, and always filled with light.

Herbold’s art was featured in “International Contemporary Masters XV” in 2023, an annual publication by World Wide Art Books that recognizes emerging artists. In 2024, she was also awarded the “Global Art Virtuoso Award” by Contemporary Art Collectors. This award recognizes the exceptional talent, commitment and innovation of an artist on their artistic journey.

Contemporary Artist SUSANNE HERBOLD - über mich


(Excerp – 2019)

2024 „cARTelle“ (Gruppenausstellung) | Berlin Art Week, Gallery Malina, Berlin
2024 „Discovery Art Fair Cologne“ | internationale Kunstmesse, Köln
2024 „Art Expo New York“ | internationale Kunstmesse, New York, USA
2023 „Design meets Art” (Gruppenausstellung) | Casaceramica, Köln
2023 „Open House & Art” (Soloausstellung) | Villa Mimosa Port d´Andratx, Mallorca, ES
2023 “Medizin trifft Kunst”* (Gruppenausstellung) | Alte Schirmfabrik, Köln
2023 “Independence”* (Soloausstellung) | Pop-up Gallery & Studio Herbold-Art, Köln
2022 „Red Dot Miami” | internationale Kunstmesse – Miami-Art-Week, Miami, USA
2022 „Fira International D´Art Barcelona” | FIABCN, internationale Kunstmesse, Barcelona, ES
2022 „Kunstmeile Rodenkirchen“ | kulturelles Stadtprojekt, Köln
2022 „Interlude” (Gruppenausstellung) | Galeria Azur, Berlin
2022 „Interconnection & Intuition” (Gruppenausstellung) | Agora Gallery, New York, USA
2021 „Susanne Herbold“ (Einzelausstellung), Galerie Lenné Karree, Bad Oeynhausen
2021 „Sacrifice“ (Gruppenausstellung) | M.A.D.S. Art Gallery, Mailand & Fuerteventura
2019 „Off The Wall” (Charity-Vernissage zu Gusten der Demenzfrüherkennung), Atelier Herbold


2023 „Open House & Art“, Villa Mimosa, Mallorca, ES
2023 „Independence“, Pop-up Galerie & Studio Herbold-Art, Köln
2020 „Susanne Herbold“, Galerie im Lenné Karree, Bad Oeynhausen
2019 „Off The Wall“, Atelier Herbold, Glessen
2013 „Kunst Musik Nacht“, Abteikirche, Brauweiler
2010 „Kunst für mehr Lebensfreude“, Hotel Maritim, Köln
2005 „Triple M“, Anwaltskanzlei Peters & Zwetz, Köln


2024 Frauen schaffen Zukunft | „Werte“, Frankfurter Allgemeine Buchverlag | Co-Autorin
2024 An Artistic Journey from Nature to Canvas | AATONAU! Japanisches Kunstmagazin
2023 International Contemporary Masters XV, World Wide Art Books, California, USA
2022 CIRCLE Spotlight Contemporary Art Magazine (Ausgabe 30)


2024 Gloal Art Virtuoso Award 2024, Contemporary Art Collectors
2023 Special-Feature im International Contemporary Masters XV (2023)