Artist Statement

In my artistic work, I focus primarily on the positive aspects of life: a central aspect here is beauty, which manifests itself in many variations, be it in the colors of nature and the sounds of music, or in the depth of life itself. A life that we create ourselves. We are shaped by our own experiences and values and the influence that comes from outside. These complex structures determine our actions and shape our present – our “experience of life”.

We have learned that it is more desirable to achieve goals without detours. But life also includes obstacles, sometimes even breaks. These make it clear to us what we prefer in the future and therefore act as signposts offering us a different direction. The sum of all these experiences gives our life the depth and beauty that finds its expression in uniqueness. My creative process is inspired by this very uniqueness and the tension between harmony and chaos. My mostly large-format, abstract works reflect these different levels and would like to invite you to change your perspective and become your own observer – and thus give your own awareness more space.

Every change of perspective contains the gift of reminding us of our own autonomy: we always have the choice of what decisions we make, what attitude we adopt and what we surround ourselves with every day. We have the ability to transform challenges into opportunities and grow from them. Life is precious and always changing – and in its very own flow. The more we perceive this, the more the beauty of our lives reveals itself.


Foto: Axel Ruske
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Día de les Illes Balears - and some wonderful spontaneous hours in Palma with my husband @marcel_wust_casa_ciclista. Always enjoying these very special vibes of Palma ❤️

One of our favorite places at the Paceo del Borne: The @ombupalma 🤩💫

#palmademallorca #afternoonvibes #privateinsights #sun #tapas #ombu #paseodelborne #susanneherbold #herboldart #contemporaryartist #abstractart #femaleartist #mallorca #cologne #metime with marcelwüst
I would love to share with you these beautiful afternoon vibes here from Mallorca 🌱 This paradise here (espacially the ocean 🌊) is one of my main inspirational sources for my abstract paintings.

Hope you guys are enjoying your weekend as well. Special greets to my friends in Cologne who are celebrating the colorful Karneval days….. (hopefully without any bad headaches 😅🥳😄🙌)

#afternoonvibes #mallorca #nature #paradise #inspiration #olivetrees #lemontrees #bougainvillea #source #grounding #marcelwüstcasaciclista #susanneherbold #herboldart #contemporaryartist #abstractart
Viivre la vie - l’amour et l’art 🇫🇷❤️ 
Enjoy some first Impressions of my new work:

„Breakfast in Paris“ (2025)
Acrylic, oilpastel abd spraypaint on canvas#
100 x 140 x 4 cm, framed 103 x 143 x 7 cm


➡️ Coming up: 

@discoveryartfair Cologne 
with @cartelle_de 

Save-the-date: April 3-6, 2025
Opening | preview April 3, 16-21h 
XPOST Köln, Gladbacher Wall

#herboldart #susanneherbold #contemporaryart #modernekunst #abstractart #modernart #newcomlection #artlover #artcollector #investinart #artgallery #paris #yellow #empoweringart
Wiishing you a wonderful week ahead! I am totally happy about how one of my current works turned out. Before I present it to you, though, it needs the last layer - the firnis - which protects the surface from dirt, dust and the colors from yellowing and fading. 

#studio #lastpreps #herboldart #susanneherbold #contemporaryartist #contemporaryart #modernekunst #abstractpainting #abstractartist #artistoninstagram #femaleempowerment #artcollector #artlover #investinart
#sneakpeak #details #workinprogress #abstractpainting #abstractart #contemporaryart #modernekunst #herboldart #susanneherbold #germany #contemporaryartist
This beautiful yellow will play a dominant role in my third painting (I am always working parallel to keep a certain „distance“ and clear perspecive to the works I am currently on). I the upcoming days we‘ll be getting more and more in the stage of the wild part 🔥🚀😅 

Have a great week ahead! 

#herboldart #susanneherbold #contemporaryart #modernekunst #germany #cologne #contemporaryartist #artistsoninstagram #picoftheday #workinprogress #yellow #abstractart #abstractpainting #abstractartist #empoweringart #femaleartist #artlover #artcollector #thanksforfollowing
Let me take you with me on my journey - observing how this beautiful work is receiving it‘s soul 🩵 There‘re some more sessions to go, but I feel blessed and energized to totally surround to this process (except making this quick post 😇)

If not sold before 😁😁 this work will be on display at the @discoveryartfair Cologne. Meet me and my artist mates from cARTelle from April 4 - 6, pre-opening is on April 3rd. 

❤️ Thanks for following & supporting Art. The world needs more of these vibes!!

#herboldart #susanneherbold #contemporaryart #contemporaryartist #awarded #femaleartist #artCologne #modernekunst #artistoninstagram #picoftheday #workinprogress #artstudio #artlover #artcollector #investinart
Thanks for stopping by in my studio. It‘s Saturday night :) and for me it is the greatest thing to work on my new series. (To be honest: every day is quite the same here 😆) 

The colors need to wait until the layers below are done. Even though I never know, where the painting is finally going to take me, I am pretty clear about the main color which will be the very last layer. I’m sure you‘ll love it, too! 🚀😀

➡️ Which artist mate of mine is also still working and loves to distract him/herself with Insta while the paint needs to dry? 😂😂

#workinprogress #abstractart #abstractpainting #contemporaryart #modernekunst #abstractartist #instaart #instaartist #artinfluencer #herboldart #susanneherbold #germanartist #cologne #artcologne #investinart
It‘s friday again - won‘t make a real difference to me than all the other days 😆

I‘ll be spending lots of time in my studio. I’m currently working on some smaller pieces for the next exhibition with the girls from @cartelle. #Staytuned for more and have a great weekend ahead! ❤️

#studioinsights #workinprogress #abstractart #contemporaryart #modernekunst #herboldart #susanneherbold #contemporaryartist #instaart #artinfluencer #artlovers #newyork #berlin #cologne
This afternoon I had some fun with the outdoor shooting of my new works. ENJOY 😁

#shooting #outdoor #abstractart #abstractpainting #newworks #herboldart #susanneherbold #contemporaryart #modernekunst #cologne
I hope you guys also have a little weakness ⬇️😂

#studiomood #sweets #haribo #colors #workinprogress #abstractpainting #empoweringart #herboldart #susanneherbold #contemporaryartist #germany
A dear artist friend recently advised me to be make my posts with a little less perfectionism. VOILÀ! It’s not as difficult as I thought 😉 
Dear Manuela, @knaut_contemporary, looking forward celebrating your upcoming successful solo-show in Bruxelles at the @affordableartfairbrussels 💙🥳 

#lessismore #whynot #herboldart #susanneherbold #contemporaryartist #germanartist #abstractpainting #abstractart #artistoninstagram #picoftheday
Happy 80th (!) Birthday, Mom @karin.salzer ❤️🎂🌸🥰🍀😍

Vor 2 Wochen warst du noch mit deiner Enkelin in der Welt unterwegs 🦘🇦🇺🌏 Am Wochenende durften wir im wunderschönen deinen grandiosen 80. Geburtstag feiern! 🥳🌸

Wir sind alle unglaublich stolz auf deinen Weg: Seit 60 Jahren (bis heute) bist du Kirchenmusikerin, seit über 45 Jahren Chorleiterin des @st.nicolai_chor. Ihr habt unzählige, internationale Konzertreisen und Auftritte erleben dürfen, zuletzt sogar im Petersdom 🇮🇹. Das Musical „Zündfunken“ im legendären @ps.speicher Einbeck (für Autofans vermutlich vergleichbar mit dem Petersdom 😇), war sicherlich ein weiteres Highlight. Ihr habt nicht nur mehrere Hundert Gäste begeistert - Dank Karl-Heinz Rehkopf sogar mit der echten Victoria Benz auf der Bühne - sondern zeitgleich auch ein tolles Kulturformat nach Einbeck gebracht 😍

Du hast mit deinen Sängern und Sängerinnen über all die Jahre eine großartige Gemeinschaft geschaffen - und somit der Musik einen Raum in unserer Welt geschenkt. Das verliehene Bundesverdienstkreuz hast du wahrlich verdient! 🏅

Wir sind sehr glücklich, dass es dir so gut geht und wünschen uns, dass das noch lange so bleibt! ❤️

Ein großes Dankeschön an dieser Stelle an alle, die zum Gelingen des Festes beigetragen haben. Besonders den @st.nicolai_Chor mit Sandra Henniges, Regina Delacor, @wolpertpianoellen, @gudrunederer, Pastor Mahnke, @christophherbold, @svenmichael, @marcel_wust_casa_ciclista uvm.

Ein besonderer Dank auch an das wunderbare Team der Wir hätten uns keinen schöneren Ort für diese besondere Feier wünschen können. 

#family #birthday #80geburtstag #psspeichereinbeck #genusswerkstatt #karinsalzer
FREDDIE MERCURY - YES!!! 🚀 Thanks for your music which is even above #epic 💙 You were born to make music - I WAS BORN TO MAKE ART :) ⭐️ 

#herboldart #susanneherbold #contemporaryart #modernekunst #abstractart #abstract #abstractpainter #instaart #artinfluencer #cologne.#germany #artcollector #artlover #artwatcher #investinart
My artist mates here know these stages for sure: Within the process of a painting, some layers and highlights are not visible in the finished work. Therefore it’s always great to have so making-of clips 🥳 

Do you guys also love to get back to them from time to time (especially when your paint needs to dry - like mine currently 🤭)?

#throwback #studioinsights #makingof #herboldart #susanneherbold #contemporaryartist #germany #artinfluencer #artistoninstagram #art #contemporaryart #modernekunst #modernart #artcollector #artcurator #artwatchers #investinart #abstract #fineart #bestoftheday #sinfonie #empoweringart #contemporaryartcollectors
I’m often asked about the process of my work. When it comes to my my Art, it’s all about layers, layers, layers. Here are the stories being told…..

Making of „On Track“ gives one beautiful example to the fact, that colors sometimes even come at the end 💙

#largescale #contemporaryart #makingof #studioinsights #herboldart #susanneherbold #contemporaryartist #femaleartist #germany #mallorca #newyork #artlovers #artcollector #investinart
Update: „Coming Home“ *SOLD*

The new owner fell immediately in love with this beautiful piece titled „Coming Home“ (2024). The strong composition is focussing on one of my favorite colors: Yellow 💛 Additionally, I’m totally thrilled about the fact, that the new place of my work will be here in Cologne. 

hope that you guys also ENJOY your Weekend! 

#contemporaryart #artcollector #soldartwork #investinart #herboldart #susanneherbold #germanartist #femaleartist #cologne #mallorca #abstractartist #abstractpainting #picoftheday #instaartist #artwatchers #artlovers


wineBANK Köln presents SUSANNE HERBOLD

The world of BELMOND and the art of SUSANNE HERBOLD were a perfect match at last night's “Dolce Vita & Art” community table for members of the exclusive private wine club wineBANK Cologne! Over 70 members celebrated this special evening by immersing themselves in the world of luxury trains and unique destinations while enjoying great food and fantastic wines and having a completely new gallery experience.

Exhibition Quantum Gallery Berlin

The 3rd edition of the “Female Art Week” took place in Berlin-Charlottenburg at the Quantum Galerie at the same time as the “City Lights” exhibition in Cologne. From November 8 to 16, the works of 18 female artists, including Tina Buchholtz, Simone Westphal, Yvonne Voermans-Eiserfey and Susanne Herbold, were shown on 360 m² at Kurfürstendamm 210.

Cologne Pop-up exhibition City Lights

In stylish rooms in Cologne's old town with a fascinating view of the Rhine, an exclusive pop-up exhibition invites you to a special art experience: The exhibition “City Lights - ART in COLOGNE” presents the works of artists Susanne Herbold, Marion Becker and Rubine Singh, who show visitors a very individual expression of their artistic work.