Susanne Herbold vor ihren Werken "Freak Out!" 1 und 2





Moderne Kunst | Contemporary Art – Susanne Herbold

Energie folgt unserer Aufmerksamkeit, daher sollten wir uns dem widmen, was uns bereichert. Meine Kunst wird inspiriert von der Schönheit, die uns umgibt und die sich in vielen Varianten zeigt: Sei es in den Farben der Natur, den Klängen der Musik oder auch in den Worten der Poesie. Im Mittelpunkt meines künstlerischen Ausdrucks steht somit auch das Leben selbst. Ich sehe es als Geschenk, dass wir täglich neu entscheiden können, welche Wege wir gehen | Welche Entscheidungen wir treffen | Welche Menschen wir in unser Umfeld lassen. Das Leben ist stets in Veränderung – und dabei in seinem ganz eigenen Fluss.

Ich werde oft gefragt, „wann“ ein abstraktes Werk „fertig“ ist: Es ist dann fertig, wenn die Farben, die Bewegung, die Komposition und der Ausdruck ein Fest für die Sinne sind: Harmonie pur. ❤️ Enjoy. Art!

Ihre Susanne Herbold



Discovery Art Fair Cologne

Heimspiel für cARTelle! Die Kölner Künstlerinnen Tanja Bäumler, Susanne Herbold, Alexandra Hülbach und Yvonne Voermans-Eiserfey stellen gemeinsam auf der diesjährigen Kunstmesse „Discovery Art Fair“ aus.
Beitragsbild_Artexpo New York

Artexpo New York – Pier 36, NY

Seit 1978 hat die Artexpo New York die Art und Weise verändert, wie Menschen Kunst kaufen und verkaufen. In diesem Jahr werden über 170 innovative Galerien, Künstler und Verlage aus der ganzen Welt ausstellen und aufregende Originalkunstwerke, Drucke, Gemälde, Zeichnungen, Skulpturen, Fotografien, Keramiken, Giclée's, Lithografien und vieles mehr präsentieren.

Open House & Art

Am vergangenen Freitag fand ein außergewöhnliches Kunst- und Lifestyle Event statt. Ca, 100 geladenen Gästen wurden in die neu erbaute "Villa Mimosa" des deutschen Bauunternehmens Dressler & Partner zur Vernissage meiner aktuellen Arbeiten eingeladen. Die Werke wurden in der gesamten Villa ausgestellt, die nicht nur durch ihre Architektur und Einrichtung, sondern auch durch eine atemberaubende Sicht auf das Tramuntana Gebirge und den Hafen von Port d´ Andratx einlud.


Nur sichtbar bei entsprechender cookie Einstellung : )
Life is a dance! ⭐️ That does not mean that everything needs to run smoothly the whole time. I’d even say: We do need (!) obstacles here and there. Why? Well, if everything would be in best order all the time - we would lose the ability to appreciate the flow in the sparkling times 🙏🦋
Enjoy life - and your very own personal dance 💫
‚Cosmic Dance 1.0 & 2.0‘
each  121 x 121 x 7 cm, framed
Acrylic, oilpastel, ink and spraypaint on canvas, 2024, *open for purchase 
#newwork #cosmic #dance #contemporaryart #kunst #modernekunst #newcollection #paintings #framed #expressionism #herboldart #susanneherbold #contemporaryartist#femaleartist #interiordesign #interior #instaart #artistoninstagram #femaleartist #germany #cologne #mallorca #newyork #berlin #artcollector #artlovers #artwatchers #investinart #berlinartweek @berlinartweek @gallery_malina
Framing my new work ‚INFINITY‘ (150*50) with this beautiful wooden tailor-made shadow gap frame ❤️

Thanks so much to the team from Boesner Köln for getting the frame finished on time for my upcoming exhibition with @cartelle_de next week. 🙌 @boesner_deutschland .
#framing #newwork #infinity #abstract #art #minimalism #herboldart #susanneherbold #abstractartist #germany #mallorca #newyork #berlin #artcollector #artlovers #artwatchers #investinart #artwatchers
My creativity needed a radical social media break! Here are the results :) Back again with 7 new pieces ❤️ If you ask me, I can definitely recommend any kind of #digital #detox #metime - whenever possible. 
Art needs space - in any ways ⭐️

#newworks #contemporaryart #modernart #paintings #modernekunst #herboldart #susanneherbold #abstractartist #artcollector #artlover #interiordesign #mallorca #germany #newyork #berlin #femaleartist
#aboutyesterday: Pre-Opening SALON VERANO - @stilquelle ❤️
When so many wonderful people come together who are passionate about what they do, then you are most likely on Mallorca! ☀️🫶

Thank you Andrea Heppe for this beautiful and inspiring night, celebrating contemporary art, bodega CLARI wines, Majorcan-inspired fusion cuisine & exclusive outdoor living together with our wonderful guests! ⭐️

#mallorca #arta #preopening #salonverano #greatvibes #madewithlove #andreaheppe #stilquelle #bodegaclari #vines #herboldart #susanneherbold #art #contemporaryart #artlover #artcollectors #investinart #event #privatecooking #fusioncuisine #privatechef #joannicolau #matthiasaxmann #photography #passion #hamburg #danilohondo @bianca_ruetter_lifetrustcoach @dhepoint @axel_ruske @reginaelisabethra @maria.montanes.gracia @dieskalierergroup @marcel_wust_casa_ciclista
Feel the energy of art 💙 #beinspired | me-squares 18.0 & 19.0 
#collection #mesquares #originalartwork #painting #framed #blue #square #mesquares #herboldart #susanneherbold #contemporaryartist #germany #artinfluencer #artistoninstagram #art #contemporaryart #modernekunst #modernart #artcollector #artcurator #artwatchers #investinart #abstract #fineart #contemporaryartcollectors #comingup #newyork
Excited 🔥 to have supplied the front cover of the well known financial magazine RISK.NET with my artwork ‚STARSEED 1.0‘ (print issue, April 2024).
Thank you, Anne-Marie Bainbridge, for getting in touch with me! 

#frontcover #risknet #financial #magazine #london #uk #herboldart #susanneherbold #contemporaryartist #germany #artinfluencer #artistoninstagram #art #contemporaryart #modernekunst #modernart #artcollector #artcurator #artwatchers #investinart #abstract #fineart #contemporaryartcollectors
Köln - we rocked it! 🚀🔥😍 

Looking back on a successful and brilliant art fair in our hometown Cologne! It was the first time for us 4 (‚cARTelle‘) to present ourselves together in this constellation. One thing is sure: We would love to come back next year - @discoveryartfair 2025 ❤️
Thanks to all our wonderful guests for supporting us artists by visiting the fair in the beautiful XPOST, showing your interest in our works and of course: thanks to all buyers and new collectors! 🙌
#throwback #artfair #kunstmesse #discoveryartfair #köln #cologne #herboldart #susanneherbold #cARTelle #womensupportingwomen #femaleartists #contemporaryartist #germany #artinfluencer #artistoninstagram #art #contemporaryart #modernekunst #modernart #artcollector #artcurator #artwatchers #investinart #abstract #fineart #empoweringart #contemporaryartcollectors
Day 2 🔥 Enjoying the great vibes here at the @discoveryartfair Cologne.
📸 @marah_cgn 
#herboldart #susanneherbold #contemporaryartist #germany #artinfluencer #artistoninstagram #art #contemporaryart #modernekunst #modernart #artcollector #artcurator #artwatchers #investinart #abstract #fineart #empoweringart #contemporaryartcollectors #newyork #cologne @discoveryartfair with @cartelle_de
Last preps for the @discoveryartfair Cologne ❤️ I wish all my participating artist colleagues & galleries and of course the wonderful team of the DAF (behind the scenes) continued good preparations. Let’s rock the stage! 🔥🔥🔥

➡️ Discovery Art Fair Cologne, XPOST, Gladbacher Wall 5 | April 26 - 28, 2024 | Opening (First Choice) April 25th, 16-21h
#herboldart #susanneherbold #contemporaryartist #germany #artinfluencer #artistoninstagram #art #contemporaryart #modernekunst #modernart #artcollector #artcurator #artwatchers #investinart #abstract #fineart #bestoftheday #sinfonie #empoweringart #contemporaryartcollectors #comingup #cologne @discoveryartfair with @cartelle_de booth E8
This diptych started to come alive during a live painting last summer to the symphony No 9 of Antonín Dvořák in the beautiful Abbey Church Brauweiler. 

It was clear from the beginning (and that’s what I told the audience), that it won’t be finished during 45 minutes of the concert. A symphony is also not written in that time 😅

In the last weeks, we 2 had some beautiful ‚dances‘ together in my studio and as you can see, my painting loved to adapt to the new rhythm…..🔥

A dance is not about getting ‚something done‘. A dance is about creating new energy. At least THIS is how to dance with me! 💃
HYPNOTIC TANGO (diptych), 2024
Acrylics, pastel, spraypaint on canvas
160/80/4 cm

➡️ Coming up: @artexponewyork (April 4-7) and @discoveryartfair Cologne (April 25-28). Please let me know if you plan to come. Would be our pleasure to put you on our personal guests list | @cartelle_de 

#studioinsights #makingof #herboldart #susanneherbold #contemporaryartist #germany #artinfluencer #artistoninstagram #art #contemporaryart #modernekunst #modernart #artcollector #artcurator #artwatchers #investinart #abstract #fineart #bestoftheday #sinfonie #empoweringart #contemporaryartcollectors #comingup #newyork @artexponewyork #cologne @discoveryartfair with @cartelle_de
STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN 🙌 Today I had the pleasure of hanging this beautiful commission piece into it’s new home.

I cannot put in words how grateful I am to my wonderful collectors to give my art the honor to beautify their unique home ❤️
#herboldart #susanneherbold #contemporaryartist #germany #artinfluencer #artistoninstagram #art #contemporaryart #modernekunst #modernart #artcollector #artcurator #artwatchers #investinart #abstract #fineart #bestoftheday #sinfonie #empoweringart #contemporaryartcollectors #comingup #newyork @artexponewyork #cologne @discoveryartfair with @cartelle_de
#throwback Making of ‚SYMPHONY‘ 💙 Also for me it’s always quite exciting how some artworks develop. My artist mates know these stages 😉

#studioinsights #makingof #herboldart #susanneherbold #contemporaryartist #germany #artinfluencer #artistoninstagram #art #contemporaryart #modernekunst #modernart #artcollector #artcurator #artwatchers #investinart #abstract #fineart #bestoftheday #sinfonie #empoweringart #contemporaryartcollectors #comingup #newyork @artexponewyork #cologne @discoveryartfair with @cartelle_de
I love this studio pic & the final shots from these beautiful pieces 💙

‚SYMPHONY 1.0 & 2.0‘ (Series: Pure)
Acrylics & oilpastel on canvas
each 160 x 100 x 4,5 cm 
Coming up: @artexponewyork April 4 - 7 with @agifineart, booth #103 and @discoveryartfair Cologne with @cartelle_de, booth #E08
#herboldart #susanneherbold #contemporaryartist #germany #artinfluencer #artistoninstagram #art #contemporaryart #modernekunst #modernart #artcollector #artcurator #artwatchers #investinart #abstract #fineart #bestoftheday #empoweringart

British VOGUE

Ausgabe Oktober 2023

„SUSANNE HERBOLD’s art has transcended borders, gracing numerous international exhibitions in Italy, Spain, Germany, and the USA, including the illustrious Red Dot Miami during Art Basel Week. Herbold’s paintings invite to pause and reflect. Notably, her abstract works offer viewers ample room for personal interpretations, encouraging introspection on the journey of life itself. Find out more at and folIow on Instagram.“


Bereits von Anfang an kommen 10% des Kaufpreises meines Portfolios einer gemeinnützigen Organisation, einem karitativen Projekt oder einer Stiftung zugute. Diesen Weg habe ich bis heute verfolgt und es macht mich glücklich zu wissen, dass meine Kunst somit win-win bedeutet. Zurzeit unterstütze ich folgende Hilfsprojekte: