Great Artists of Mallorca” is an art and book project about Mallorca’s artists by Wiesbaden photographer Axel Ruske and editor and copywriter Regina Elisabeth (Lizzy) Rautenberg. The aim of the authors is – in addition to the informative character – to give pleasure in viewing, but at the same time to present a collection of current contemporary art.
I feel very honored to be part of this wonderful work! The shoot for the book took place in October last year and due to the beautiful weather, we did it spontaneously under our olive trees. A perfect match – it is this special energy of the island that has a great impact on my artistic work.
The photos, portraits and texts were each taken on a single visit without any preparation; we all had to improvise, trust and act spontaneously. We wish everyone the same touching magic moments when viewing and reading as we were able to experience.
Axel Ruske & Lizzy Rautenberg
The book (24 x 30 cm) has 248 pages and portrays 40 artists on 6 pages each. It has been designed in 3 languages and will be published at the end of March 2025 at a price of 69 euros. Pre-orders are welcome at the special price of 49 euros. Click here for the link.
is a project of the
Nauroder Straße 23
65191 Wiesbaden
Marie Luise Pesch | Eva Schmitt-Lautenschlager
Pesch Sprachen GmbH